Sitemap - 2017 - FinRegRag

The Cleveland Fed Peer-to-Peer Lending Study is Dead(?)

Bank Wars: The Empire Setback

(Updated) Some initial questions about the Cleveland Fed P2P study

Smart Financial Regulation Roundtable

The “Ever Expanding” Call Report & Growing Fed Regulatory Burden

Bank Capital Requirement Related Regulatory Restrictions

The Rise of “Must” In Bank Regulatory Restrictions

On The Rise of U.S. Bank Regulatory Restrictions

The U.S. “Bank Deregulation Caused the Crisis” Myth

Bank Wars Episode VIII-A: The Empire State Strikes Back (again)

Bank Wars Episode VIII: The next to last filing (maybe)

Don’t Get Mad about fixing Madden

Arizona might launch a regulatory sandbox for Fintech (UPDATE — Draft Bill Text)

Regulation & Unintended Consequences: The Recourse Rule

Bank Wars — The OCC Responds to the NYDFS

Banking historians have shown that the second and third points are false, as the experiences have…

Bank Wars Episode VII: The Courts Awaken (Part Two)

Bank Wars Episode VII: The Courts Awaken (Part One)

Rogue Footnote One: A Bank Wars Story

Bank Wars Episode VI: Return of the OCC

Could the CFPB create its own regulatory sandbox?

How the CFPB could help State Regulatory Sandboxes

The madness of Madden

Are Token Sales Unregulated? ICO-NO!

What does Treasury want to do to the CFPB?

Finreg never sleeps, but it sometimes visits its family

Technology and the Future of Lending Regulation

Bank Wars V: The Empire State Strikes Bank

Bank Wars IV: A new (old) hope for Fintech?

No, Seriously, You aren’t protecting consumers by denying them a choice

Bank Wars 3: Revenge of the States

A suggestion for the new Acting Comptroller’s first day

Bank Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Procedure

Bank Wars Episode 1: The Fintech Menace

Choice 2.0, Title VI vs. The Hoenig Proposal

Market Discipline Can Reduce the Cost of Future Crises

CHOICE 2.0 — Meet CLEA, the new, improved(?) CFPB

Random thoughts on the possibility of State Regulatory Sandboxes

Whose Loan Is It Anyway?

Ok states, here is your shot at fintech glory

Quick reaction to the U.S Department of Justice’s filing in PHH v. CFPB calling the CFPB unconstitutional

Let’s Kill the “Bank Capital Kills the Economy” Talk

Stop what you are doing* and read my paper on fintech, federalism, and federalization

A Tale of (Almost) No CFPBs

Quick Reaction to the Regulatory Reform Officer/Task Force Executive Order

How and Why Bank Capital Addresses Concerns About Crises

Business as Usual at the CFPB is Not Good For Consumers

2 Ways for President Trump to Leave His CFPB Director

A Tale of Two CFPBs

What we talk about when we talk about Consumer Protection (Part 1)

President Trump’s Executive Order on Financial Regulation

Quick Reaction to the new CFPB reorganization bill

Quick reaction to President Trump’s Regulation Reduction Executive Order

How Trump can be a Financial Innovation President

You aren’t protecting consumers by denying them a choice